
Managed Cybersecurity Services Australia

Multi-Layered Cyber Defense for Australian Businesses

In today’s digital transitioning phase, cyber threats are a constant concern for Australian businesses.  DigiOne as a managed security service provider (MSSP) offers comprehensive network security services – a powerful shield, safeguarding your valuable data and IT infrastructure.  Our team of Australian cybersecurity experts provides a multi-layered approach, from risk assessments and vulnerability management to ongoing monitoring and incident response.  Let DigiOne give you peace of mind – focus on growing your business while we protect your digital assets.


Cybersecurity Solutions Offered by DigiOne

Australian businesses face a constant stream of cyber threats. DigiOne’s Managed IT Security Services provide a multi-layered shield, empowering you to focus on your core business. We take the weight of complex IT security management off your shoulders. Our team of Australian cybersecurity experts handles everything, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.
We offer the following services to fortify your defenses:

Essential 8 Compliance:

Following the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) recommended strategies, DigiOne ensures your systems align with these best practices. This minimizes your exposure to common cyber threats.

Security Risk Evaluations:

Our comprehensive evaluations go beyond basic antivirus software. We uncover vulnerabilities in your systems, processes, and infrastructure. Through penetration testing and expert evaluation, we provide actionable recommendations to strengthen your defenses.

Real-Time Threat Detection with SIEM:

DigiOne’s SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions offer continuous monitoring and analysis. We collect, correlate, and analyze security data to proactively detect and respond to potential incidents in real-time.

Robust Network Security:

We design and deploy firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and other advanced technologies to safeguard your critical assets. This protects your network from unauthorized access and emerging threats.

Endpoint Protection with Advanced Capabilities:

DigiOne provides cutting-edge endpoint protection solutions, including Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Extended Detection and Response (XDR). These solutions offer superior visibility, threat detection, and response capabilities to shield your devices from sophisticated attacks.

Tailored Security Awareness Training Programs:

DigiOne’s customized training programs educate your employees about cybersecurity best practices. This empowers your workforce to become active participants in your defense strategy.

Prompt Incident Response and Solutions:

In the event of a security breach, DigiOne’s team swiftly responds to identify the root cause, contain the incident, and provide remediation strategies. We minimize the impact and prevent future occurrences.

Proactive Security Monitoring and Reporting:

Leveraging advanced tools and technologies, DigiOne proactively monitors your security landscape. We provide comprehensive reports to give you valuable insights and empower informed security decisions.

Compliance and Regulatory Assistance:

Navigating complex compliance requirements can be daunting. DigiOne assists you in understanding and meeting industry-specific security standards and regulatory frameworks.

Penetration Testing:

Our skilled penetration testers simulate real-world cyber attacks to identify weaknesses in your networks, applications, and infrastructure. Through controlled testing, we uncover vulnerabilities, provide detailed reports, and recommend steps to enhance your overall security posture.
Don’t wait for a cyberattack to cripple your business. Partner with DigiOne’s Australian cybersecurity experts and experience the power of proactive security solutions!

Benefits of DigiOne's Managed IT Security Solutions

Keeping your Australian business safe demands constant vigilance. But, with DigiOne’s Managed IT Security Solutions, you can opt for a comprehensive shield, empowering you to:

Focus on Your Business:

Free yourself from the burden of complex IT security management. Our team of experts handles it all, allowing you to focus on core business activities.

Enhanced Security Posture:

Benefit from a multi-layered approach that goes beyond basic antivirus. We identify vulnerabilities, implement robust safeguards, and continuously monitor your systems for threats.

Reduced Costs:

Eliminate the need for in-house security specialists. Our subscription-based model provides predictable costs and access to top-tier expertise.

Proactive Threat Detection and Response:

Don’t wait for a breach to happen! Our advanced monitoring tools identify and stop threats in their tracks, minimizing potential damage.

Improved Compliance:

Stay ahead of regulations with our expert guidance. We help ensure your business meets industry-specific security standards.

Peace of Mind:

Rest assured knowing your valuable data and IT infrastructure are protected by DigiOne’s team of Australian cybersecurity specialists.

Multi-Layered Defense for Your Business by Australia's Cybersecurity Experts.

Why DigiOne is a Trusted Name for Australian Businesses?

DigiOne, a leading Australian IT services provider, secures your business. Our experts offer cloud solutions, robust cybersecurity, and more. We tackle any IT challenge, safeguard your data, and optimize your network. We build a strong foundation for your success with the right tools and meticulous security reviews. Don’t leave your business vulnerable. Choose DigiOne’s Managed IT Security Services for your Australian Business and experience the power of proactive protection!


Improving your cybersecurity posture can significantly impact your business outcomes. That’s why our team comprises highly skilled and experienced cybersecurity professionals.  They possess in-depth knowledge of the latest threats, industry best practices, and Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) guidelines.  We offer a comprehensive range of services, including:
  • Cybersecurity risk assessments
  • Network security solutions (Network Security Canberra)
  • Data protection strategies
  • Cloud security solutions (Cloud Security Solutions Canberra)
  • Incident response planning and remediation (Incident response Canberra)
  • Security awareness training
Cyberattacks can disrupt critical IT systems and infrastructure, leading to network outages and downtime. This can significantly impact business operations, productivity, and revenue.  DigiOne’s IT security services can help you prevent these disruptions and ensure your network remains operational.
DigiOne specializes in cybersecurity, offering a dedicated team of security professionals with advanced expertise.  This sets us apart from general IT service providers who may not have the same level of focus or expertise in cybersecurity.
A cybersecurity framework is a set of best practices designed to help organizations improve their overall security posture.  Following a framework like the ACSC’s Essential Eight provides a structured approach to identifying, prioritizing, and implementing cybersecurity measures.
Yes! DigiOne offers a comprehensive range of network security solutions tailored to the needs of businesses located in Canberra.  We understand the unique security challenges faced by Canberra businesses and can provide solutions that address those specific needs.
We offer a variety of data protection solutions to safeguard your sensitive information.  These solutions may include:
  • Data encryption
  • Access controls
  • Data loss prevention (DLP)
  • Data backup and recovery
We utilize advanced security tools and technologies to continuously monitor your systems for suspicious activity that may indicate a cyber threat. These tools can detect malware, intrusion attempts, and other malicious activities.  Our team also stays informed about the latest cyber threats and can provide ongoing threat intelligence to help you stay ahead of potential attacks.
Yes, we do!  DigiOne offers incident response services specifically tailored to businesses located in Canberra.  Our team can help you:
  • Contain the incident and minimize damage
  • Identify the root cause of the attack
  • Remediate the issue and restore your systems
  • Report the incident to the appropriate authorities
  • Recover your data and ensure business continuity
Our cybersecurity consulting services offer a comprehensive approach to improving your security posture.  We can help you with:
  • Developing a customized cybersecurity strategy aligned with your business goals and risk tolerance
  • Identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure
  • Implementing security controls and best practices
  • Providing ongoing security awareness training for your employees.
A cyber risk assessment is a vital first step in understanding your organization’s vulnerabilities to cyber threats.  DigiOne’s cyber risk assessment services (Cyber Risk Assessment Australia) can help you:
  • Identify potential threats and attack vectors
  • Assess the likelihood and impact of a cyberattack
  • Prioritize your security investments based on risk
  • Develop a risk mitigation plan
Yes!  DigiOne understands the unique security challenges associated with cloud environments.  We offer a range of cloud security solutions (Cloud security solutions Canberra) to protect your data and applications in the cloud.  These solutions may include:
  • Cloud access security broker (CASB)
  • Data encryption
  • Security information and event management (SIEM)